Online Galleries

  • go to the member gallery for moram


    following my intuition, on a wonderful journey with every piece of work. Life can be wonderful nam myoho renge kyo
  • go to the member gallery for Lesley Barker

    Lesley  Barker

    Acrylic and oil abstract paintings based on landscape and figurative oil paintings
  • go to the member gallery for Darren Baxter

    Darren  Baxter

    Painter of people
  • go to the member gallery for Jeremy Bear

    Jeremy  Bear

    People and their lives are at the heart of my work.
  • go to the member gallery for Martin Bradshaw

    Martin  Bradshaw

    Although still unashamedly figurative...
  • go to the member gallery for Frances Bristow

    Frances  Bristow

    Fran Bristow produces tactile stone sculptures
  • go to the member gallery for Phil Chitty

    Phil  Chitty

    Phil Chitty is a painter, gaining a BA in Fine Art Painting at City and Guilds School of Art.
  • go to the member gallery for Jean Davey Winter

    Jean  Davey Winter

    Jean Davey Winter is a painter who uses mixed media and photography to explore the land, journeys and mapping.
  • go to the member gallery for Robin Deane

    Robin  Deane

    Amateur artist, musician and music producer.
  • go to the member gallery for Fiona Denning

    Fiona  Denning

    Working in oils scratching and markmaking to build up and expose the image
  • go to the member gallery for Judith Douglas

    Judith  Douglas

    Contemporary folk-art ceramicist
  • go to the member gallery for Rachel Evans-White

    Rachel  Evans-White

    Rachel Evans-White is a portrait painter, working in oils, acrylics or mixed media
  • go to the member gallery for Julia Everett

    Julia  Everett

    Painter of vivid abstract seascapes and sunsets inspired by the Sussex coastline and titled from song lyrics.
  • go to the member gallery for Ben Fairlight Edwards

    Ben  Fairlight Edwards

    I am a maker and wood carver
  • go to the member gallery for Annabel Faraday

    Annabel  Faraday

    Stoneware vessels and wall pieces, printing onto raw clay and incorporating found objects.
  • go to the member gallery for Catherine Farr

    Catherine  Farr

    Painter and mixed media artist
  • go to the member gallery for Kathleen Fox

    Kathleen  Fox

    A combination of Western and Primitive religious thought.
  • go to the member gallery for Ian Francis

    Ian  Francis

    Ian Francis creates vibrantly expressive, contemporary abstract oil paintings.
  • go to the member gallery for Joan Glasgow

    Joan  Glasgow

    Recently I have been painting from my collages, making sculpture from clay, doing embroidery, and lino print.
  • go to the member gallery for Mark Glassman

    Mark  Glassman

    Abstracted paintings inspired by the beach and the sea which surround me in East Sussex.
  • go to the member gallery for Fiona Granelli

    Fiona  Granelli

    The majority of my work is hand stitched textiles drawing from my local observations.
  • go to the member gallery for Kate Gritton

    Kate  Gritton

    Images that suggest hidden undercurrents.
  • go to the member gallery for Emma Harding

    Emma  Harding

    Mixed media mosaics
  • go to the member gallery for Jill Hartman

    Jill  Hartman

    Oil paintings inspired by the natural world.
  • go to the member gallery for Dee Harvey

    Dee  Harvey

    Dee Harvey makes thrown, caste and hand built pottery decorated with brightly coloured abstract patterns
  • go to the member gallery for Jane Higginbottom

    Jane  Higginbottom

    A sculptor who uses natural and plant based materials in her work.
  • go to the member gallery for Stuart Johnson

    Stuart  Johnson

    Oil and watercolour - urban scenes, seascapes, portraiture, memory and imagination
  • go to the member gallery for Bea Lacey

    Bea  Lacey

    My recent work has been examining mark-making and the impact of the abstract always with the body in mind.
  • go to the member gallery for Bronwen Malcolm

    Bronwen  Malcolm

    Painting in response to places, people and atmosphere.
  • go to the member gallery for Leigh Martin

    Leigh  Martin

    Typically demonstrates a bold use of colour together with an air of mystery allowing the viewer to wonder at the story
  • go to the member gallery for Ray McChrystal

    Ray  McChrystal

    Pigment, gum, water and paper.
  • go to the member gallery for Maria McClafferty

    Maria  McClafferty

    Abstract images that evolved from my love of the sea, the nature around me and light.
  • go to the member gallery for Leslie Moran

    Leslie  Moran

    Painter and print maker. Rhythm, movement and complexity, are key themes in my current work.
  • go to the member gallery for George Mundell

    George  Mundell

    George Mundell is a printmaker based in St. Leonards on Sea
  • go to the member gallery for Alison R Noyes

    Alison R  Noyes

    Painter of narrative
  • go to the member gallery for Nina Paine

    Nina  Paine

    My work is inspired by the impact of the natural world on the senses, focusing on colour, light and shape.
  • go to the member gallery for Mel Perera-Chandler

    Mel  Perera-Chandler

    I am drawn to light, textures and the movement and colours of the sea.
  • go to the member gallery for Laurence Perera-Chandler

    Laurence  Perera-Chandler

    I live in Bexhill and often paint the sea in a semi abstract.
  • go to the member gallery for Lisa Punter

    Lisa  Punter

    landscape and portrait artist working primarily in oils and pencil
  • go to the member gallery for Katherine Reekie

    Katherine  Reekie

    Katherine Reekie - artist & craftsperson
  • go to the member gallery for Mark Roberts

    Mark  Roberts

    Figure painting
  • go to the member gallery for Neill Rogers

    Neill  Rogers

    With pastels, I try to capture the feeling of beauty I see in the world with vibrant colours and images.
  • go to the member gallery for Philip Sanderson

    Philip  Sanderson

    Scissors and glue collage that creates perfomative and surreal juxtapositions.
  • go to the member gallery for Mick Sargent

    Mick  Sargent

    I'm a mainly self-taught artist trying to make up for lost time.
  • go to the member gallery for Beverley Sell

    Beverley  Sell

    Beverley Sell is a Textile Artist who uses fabrics, mixed media and found objects to document her journeys.
  • go to the member gallery for Wendy Smith

    Wendy  Smith

    Painting landscape, abstract scenarios & happenings, made as a response to experience, atmosphere and a sense of place.
  • go to the member gallery for Abi Stockbridge

    Abi  Stockbridge

    I am a painter working with colour and abstraction which allows me to venture closer to an ‘essence’ or ‘energy’.
  • go to the member gallery for Agnieszka Szuba

    Agnieszka  Szuba

    I photograph patterns and shapes painted by light on water, on waves, on glass, on every possible surface.
  • go to the member gallery for Dawn Timmins

    Dawn  Timmins

    Dawn Timmins is an amateur artist who loves to paint and create.
  • go to the member gallery for Teri Walsh

    Teri  Walsh

    Teri's artistic practice is diverse (including both 2D and 3D) and currently she is focussing on screenprinting.
  • go to the member gallery for April Yasamee

    April  Yasamee

    My art practice spans drawing, painting, collage, mixed media sculpture and experimental Stopmotion film.

Hastings Arts Forum
20 Marine Court,
St Leonards on Sea
TN38 0DX
+44 (0) 1424 201636

Hastings Arts Forum Ltd is a charity registered in England and Wales Number 1142575

© Hastings Arts Forum Ltd 2025