Mick Sargent
I'm a mainly self-taught artist. Having attended night school for a while I soon realised that the best way of improving one's own art was to study the work of others, from Caravaggio to the great contemporary artists of today. Studying how they achieved that sumptuous light? or how they made that glass zing? Adopting techniques, or inventing one's own. Experimenting, rejecting some opinions and adopting others. Eventually, one achieves an individual style, be that for good or bad.
I paint mostly in pastel, oils and oil-based coloured pencils, painting anything that grabs me, from landscape, floral, marine art, abstract. Anything in fact. I hate to be compartmentalised. This beautiful rock we live on, with all of its wonders and beauty is inspirational and life enriching. Unfortunately, industrialists and greedy politicians are hell-bent on destroying it. If my art, and that of other artists worldwide, can continue to promote the planet through our artworks, hopefully, the tide will turn to the side of sanity.
I was a latecomer to painting and it's a long learning curve. Whether I am succeeding in becoming a competent artist is not for me to judge. One thing is certain, the joy one achieves from capturing beauty in a painting is absolutely priceless. My work is available from my website and from ArtGallery.co.uk
I paint mostly in pastel, oils and oil-based coloured pencils, painting anything that grabs me, from landscape, floral, marine art, abstract. Anything in fact. I hate to be compartmentalised. This beautiful rock we live on, with all of its wonders and beauty is inspirational and life enriching. Unfortunately, industrialists and greedy politicians are hell-bent on destroying it. If my art, and that of other artists worldwide, can continue to promote the planet through our artworks, hopefully, the tide will turn to the side of sanity.
I was a latecomer to painting and it's a long learning curve. Whether I am succeeding in becoming a competent artist is not for me to judge. One thing is certain, the joy one achieves from capturing beauty in a painting is absolutely priceless. My work is available from my website and from ArtGallery.co.uk
Tel. 01424 712004
micksargentfineart (Instagram)
micksargentfineart (Instagram)
Gallery opening times 11am – 5pm from Wednesday to Sunday
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