Rising Talent 3

Rising Talent 3 is a free open submission for artists who fulfil the following criteria:
To have graduated within the last two years or not to have shown professionally before.


East Sussex Print Exchange

Now in our third year, ESPE continues to grow and become a platform to display works from established and emerging artists, working in a variety of traditional and experimental printmaking methods. 

The exhibition takes on a vibrant combination of information sharing and physical print exchange, allowing participating artists to grow their personal collections, experience different techniques, and further the possibilities of print – with a focus on an edition of 15.    


Hastings Arts Forum
20 Marine Court,
St Leonards on Sea
TN38 0DX

+44 (0) 1424 201636

Hastings Arts Forum Ltd is a charity registered in England and Wales Number 1142575

© Hastings Arts Forum Ltd 2025