Thursday 10th May 2018 10am – 4pm
Cost: £15 for Hastings Arts Forum Members, £17.50 for non-members
As places are limited BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL, please email or call 01424 201636 to book your place.
An opportunity to have a one to one surgery with Artist and Social Media genius Paula MacArthur. In these 30 minute tutorials Paula can give your social media presence an MOT and offer advice on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages & events for artists. Find out which social media platform is most suited to your needs and what each one is useful for, how to build a following over time and demystify the dreaded hashtag. These sessions are aimed at improving your existing social media presence and answering specific issues.
Please bring a smartphone, tablet or laptop and a notebook if you like taking hand written notes – sometimes the old methods are best!
The workshops will be facilitated by Rye based Artist Paula MacArthur, an experienced Painter, Curator, Lecturer and social media guru.
Gallery opening times 11am – 5pm from Wednesday to Sunday
You will find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Keep up to date with all our news and exhibitions